Guides, Tutorials & Projects
For The Maker Community
Free: Arduino Programming Cheat Sheet
A comprehensive reference for the Arduino Programming Language.
For more info click on the link.
A handy reference for quickly connecting various displays to your Arduino.
For more info click on the link.
Arduino Cheat Sheet Pack 6 in 1
A Pack with six cheat sheet: Programming, LEDs, Displays, Actuators, Temperature Sensors, Wired Communication.
- VL53L0X Distance Sensor with ArduinoIn this tutorial you will learn how to use the VL53L0X Distance Sensor with an Arduino or any other common microcontroller (ESP32/ESP8266) to measure distances. …
- TOF10120 Distance Sensor with ArduinoIn this tutorial you will learn how to use the TOF10120 Distance Sensor with an Arduino to measure distances. The TOF10120 is a is a …
- Temperature Plotter on e-Paper DisplayIn this tutorial we will build a Temperature Plotter on a 4.2″ e-Paper display using an ESP32 and the BME280 sensor. A common way to …
In this article you will learn how the programming of the ESP32-CAM development board. With examples on how to test the camera and SD card.
Control Air-Conditioner via IR with ESP32 or ESP8266
Control your Air-Conditioner via infrared (IR) signals with ESP32 or ESP8266. Step-by-step guide to automate your cooling system.
More Inputs With 74HC165 Shift Register
This tutorial will give you more inputs for your microcontroller using the 74HC165 Shift Register. With wiring diagrams and code examples.